Friday, October 17, 2008

ACTEM 08 Session Notes: Tim Tyson "Putting Your Class on the Grid"

Tim started at Mabry with video. Upon reflection he would have preferred to start with blogging as a place to hold the video work.

Tim relayed a story about generating interest in blogging through parent meeting.
Parents wanted to know what was going on in the classroom.
The blog was the natural follow through.

"create positive, creative, jealousy"

Why Blog instead of a traditional web page?

  1. Easier to post
  2. RSS Feed
Pulled parents in to subscribe to RSS feeds using Bloglines. They pulled off parent pd.

Explains the benefits of using an RSS reader.
One location for everything

Creating blogs to make more work for parents - not teachers.
Tell parents to go to the blogs instead of just asking your kids what happened in class (they always say nothing).

Teachers were required to post to their blogs at least once/week.

Tim highlighted the teacher blogs at his site

Came back to Mrs. Abrams class.
She used her blog for "scribe" notes. This was a great reflective piece for her since what got in the notes (what the students heard) did not always match what she thought she taught.

Each teacher got a copy of Ecto for posting to their blogs.


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